Clever ideas to organise your drawers and closet

Hello DIYers! One of the websites i follow shared an interesting article about organising  one of the most difficult places to keep neat i.e. the closet!

I thought it would be a good share to give us ideas of what we can do with those clothing items that never seem to get organised. Warning, long post ahead!

The article shared 19 ways to organise your closet and drawers

I picked out 13 of my favourite  ways. Here we go;

1. Tie your scarves to a hanger

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 0
via Kat Black Designs

2. Roll up clothes to save space

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 2
via Fravel

This is a trick i learnt as a girl scout and i apply it even when packing my suitcase whenever i travel! It works! I look like I’m travelling light but I’ve got more than enough clothes!

3. Sort your weekly wardrobe in advance

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 0
via Better Homes and Gardens

I am definitely doing this today!!

4. Save floor space and hang your laundry bag

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 4
via Don’t Disturb This Groove

5. Use PVC pipes for storage

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 2
via Better Homes and Gardens

6. Use shoe boxes as drawer organizers

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 14
via Real Simple / Levi Brown

This is simply amazing!!! My underwear drawer is always a mess and i spend several minutes every  morning searching for matching pieces.

7. Keep matching sheet sets together by storing them in pillowcases

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 12
via Martha Stewart

Brilliant idea from Martha Stewart!

8. Stack your shirts upright so you can see what’s inside your drawer

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 6
via All Day Chic

This i have always applied and it works! You also get to know which tops/t-shirts you haven’t worn in a while.

9. Use an ornament box to organize your socks

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 8
via apartment therapy

10. Store your shoes in an old wine box

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via pixgood

If you do not have wine boxes, you could consider using the six packs used to sell beers in our local supermarkets. Of course this limits what shoe size and type of shoe that can go in.

11. Use ice cube trays to organize your jewelry

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 28via Listotic

I love this idea especially for the small earrings that you cannot hang.

12. Keep your gadgets organized and charged in your nightstand

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13. The number one question

19 Genius Ways To Organize Your Closet And Drawers 32

Thank you for reading this long post! Which of these tips and tricks will you use? Do share!

Keep it DIY!

Earring Display

Trying to organise jewellery can be a daunting task especially if you have very many pieces of varying size, shape and colour.

After neatly placing all my necklaces on the DIYed canvas, i had to get a solution for my earrings.

I was left with the metal structure that holds spoons after placing all the cutlery in the cutlery rack in the drawer.  As i wondered what i could do with it it occurred to me i could use it to hang my earrings.



Keep it DIY!


Inspired post- Necklace display

One of my favourite bloggers is MIMI G . She has the most amazing style and DIY projects.

She posted a DIY project of a necklace display and i thought that would be perfect for me since, just like her, i had moved houses and needed a place to store my many necklaces.

I had a painted canvas that i got some time back from House of Leather 

The canvas

The canvas

I used thumb tucks which i got from Nakumatt

I used thumb tucks which i got from Nakumatt

The thumb tucks don't go all the way in. Space should be left for the necklaces to hang.

The thumb tucks don’t go all the way in. Space should be left for the necklaces to hang.

The final product

The final product

Dining Area update

There is nothing that changes the look of a space like colour! It can transform a space from darb to glam in a minute without breaking the bank!

My latest paint job was at the dining room area in our new abode. I encountered several challenges in this paint job. Challenges i have never before experienced. First, i was using Dura Coat brand of paint which i have never used before (Maybe  I should have called the Marangi Team). The brush i was using broke just as i was starting out, i decided i could try using a roller brush but that only complicated matters as i ended up with two different shades of colour.

After 3 days i completed the job. Tell me why you think?

The before look

The before look

My working tools for the day

My working tools for the day

I got 2 litters of Dura Coat’s Tri Clover (Viynl Silk) at a cost of Ksh1,200, the brush Ksh350 and the labour cost was love!

Beginnings of another paint job until.....

Beginnings of another paint job until…..

Until the brush and wooden section decided to part ways

Until the brush and wooden section decided to part ways

The nails on the brush became loose and it separated from the wooden section. I had to get the little nails and put the two sections together. But before that i had tried to use a roller brush and the shades on the wall looked completely different. I had to stick to one tool and that was the brush.

And finally!

And voila!

Another angle

Another angle

I was happy with the final result. I also managed to get some accessories from Nakumatt Select- the green mats at the bottom and the salt and pepper holder on the console. The painting i got from Zanzibar, the console from Ngong Road and the candle guys from masaai market.

What do you think?

Keep it DIY!